Hi! This is the personal homepage of Johannes Dorfner. I publish a new post once a week (every Wednesday morning, to be precise). At the top you can find the categories of this blog. The contents randomly iterate through the categories, which are Audio for music reviews, Picture for desktop wallpapers and Text for computer how-to articles.
ojdo, Oldenburg, Germany
e-mail: jdorfner@gmail.com
More of me elsewhere
On other topics
- ojdo wiki a public/private scribble book, some code snippets, more links
- my GitHub profile where I publish code and optimisation models
- my Stack Exchange profile, mainly LaTeX, open data, and Python
Blog post announcements
- my Twitter profile where I announce new reviews
- my Diaspora* profile where I announce new reviews..
- my Mastodon profile where I announce new reviews…
What do you say, you don’t want social media? Ok, have this blog’s RSS feed instead!
More music-related
- my Bandcamp profile where I go hunting for more music
- my archive.org account where I fish for Creative Commons music to review here
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