default symbol for unknown link targets
For my blog, I use the WordPress theme Twenty Sixteen that supports adding links to my profile on typical social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et al. For these well-known names, the theme automatically inserts company logos in the circular link symbols:
For smaller sites, the bundled Genericons font however does not provide those symbols. In my case, I wanted to add a symbol for the federated social networks Diaspora* and Mastodon, as well as set a custom paperclip symbol for my oj.do shortlink domain. Additional constraint: I only wanted to modify my own Twenty Sixteen child theme, so that I could continue benefiting from updates in the parent theme. Here’s how I did it:
Add Fork Awesome font to theme folder
Luckily, there is the awesome Fork Awesome webfont project which adds – among others – plenty of free and libre brand icons to the original Font Awesome font. To include it in my theme, I downloaded the release file and uploaded it to my child theme folder:
wp-content/themes/<childtheme-name>/ fork-awesome.min.css functions.php screenshot.png style.css fork-awesome/ forkawesome-webfont.eot forkawesome-webfont.svg forkawesome-webfont.ttf forkawesome-webfont.woff forkawesome-webfont.woff2
Import webfont within theme stylesheet
Within my child theme’s style.css, I additionally include the webfont css file, directly after the include of the parent theme styles:
@import url("../twentysixteen/style.css"); @import url("fork-awesome.min.css");
Within fork-awesome.min.css
, I changed the relative url to match the location I put the font files. I searchd and replaced the src:url(...)
declarations to suit my file layout.
Add custom CSS rules for desired symbols
For the actual symbols, I headed back to my child theme’s style.css and added rules that match the URLs I want in my social menu. You can find the correct character codes for your symbols in the fork-awesome.min.css
file. In my case, these are:
/* bold asterisk for Diaspora* */ .social-navigation a[href*="diasp.org/"]:before { font-family: "ForkAwesome"; content: "\f2e5"; } /* elephant for Mastodon */ .social-navigation a[href*="floss.social/"]:before { font-family: "ForkAwesome"; content: "\f2e1"; } /* paperclip for oj.do short link */ .social-navigation a[href*="oj.do"]:before { font-family: "ForkAwesome"; content: "\f0c6"; }
The nice thing is: the original Genericons rules still work, so you don’t have to do any work for those sites that already worke