Category: Linux

Simple bash snippets, obscure config zen or an elaborate ssh-keygen command sequence are collected here.

  • How to manage multiple Git repositories with a simple bash function

    In the past I have already worked with a project that consisted of multiple Git repositories in a common project folder. For tracking each repository’s individual state together, Google’s repo tool was used. I ended up using mostly its powerful repo forall subcommand to execute various bash or git commands over the whole or subset…

  • Bash: How to find all files modified on a certain day

    The following bash function (e.g. stored in your ~/.bash_aliases) finds all files within a directory that was changed on a specific date. I use this to retroactively check on all my activities throughout a day. For code-related changes, a filtered git log certainly is better, but this includes file downloads, modified text documents in one…

  • How to list subdirectories recursively with total size

    Just a note to myself, as I always have a hard time understanding the find manpages. To list the directories and subdirectories up to a certain depth, “simply” enter: Option maxdepth states how deep the subdirectories should be listed, option type restricts output to directories (d). If a directory listing including size is required, this…

  • How to list size of directories in current folder

    Note to self, it’s deceptively simple, once one manages to read the manpages properly: [code lang=”bash” gutter=”false”]du -hd 1 /path/to/directory[/code] If directory is the current folder, this shortens to: [code lang=”bash” gutter=”false”]du -hd 1[/code]